The Mwinbaballah Solid Rock Academy (MSRA) an educational institution based in Dangbgala, a suburb of the Jirapa township has held its thirteenth graduation ceremony here in Jirapa.
There were fifty (50) graduating students consisting of 25 children from kindergarten three to Basic Primary one and another 25 pupils from Basic Primary six to Junior High School (JHS) one.

MSRA is a privately owned educational center established in the year 2012 under strong christian principals and has as it’s motto: DETERMINATION AND EXCELLENCE IN DISCIPLINE; with most of its staff comprising of retired Ghana Education Service (GES) staff.
The school is arguably one of the top notch educational centers in the Jirapa Municipality with a mission of providing the best education training can ever provide coupled up with moral and religious upbringing.

It also excelled in the 2023 year Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) by chalking a 100 percent pass rate with the best being aggregate 13 and the worse aggregate 28.
The school also has extra curricular activities such as a cadette core, a school choir, a drama troupe among others.

The graduation of the fifty students was witnessed by students, parents, a representative of the Municipal Director of Education and the Paramount Chief of the Jirapa Traditional Area, Naa Donglabong Ganaa II an educationist himself as special guest of honour.
The representative of the GES director, Terance Braimah, congratulated the graduating students and reminded them that they had just begun to climb the education ladder and should take their studies seriously.
He commended the staff of the school saying it had been graded as one of the best performing schools in the municipality after an analysis of the 2023 BECE results.
In his keynote address the Jirapa Naa Donglabong Dinaa Ganaa II had some words of praise and admiration for the staff of the school especially the proprietor for a distinguishing feats they are achieving.

He however added that pursuing education and academic laurels should not be at the cost of undertaking indigenous cultural studies.
He said one’s culture gives that individual a unique identity and can even be a savior in some circumstances.
He commended MSRA for making cultural studies part of its curriculum.
Madam Felicia Gbang, headmistress of the school, explained that the school has been moving in strides partially due to the commitment and positive attitude of the staff towards duty and that they are working tirelessly towards excellence.
The headteacher of the JHS, Daanomah Hubert enumerated some of the challenges of the school as adequate security, parents’ failure in paying school fees and the unceremonious withdrawal of students without the knowledge of the school most of whom are fee defaulting students.
The occasion was marked by a march pass by the school’s cadette core, poetry recitals, drama and cultural display among other amusements to the admiration of all.