As part of its social duty, “Sonzele” Rural Bank PLC, which has its headquarters in the Jirapa Municipality, presented a Royal Motor Bike to the Municipal Agriculture Directorate through the Jirapa Municipal Assembly in order to support the 2023 Farmers Day. The Royal Motor Bike will be awarded to the second runner up.

Sonzele Rural Bank PLC’s Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Abdul-Salam Bamie, stated in an interview that the bank had received a request from the Jirapa Municipal Assembly to provide them with a motorbike in addition to the products they would be giving out to farmers on December 1, 2023.

According to Abdul-Salam Bamie, the core idea of rural banking is that the bank exists for the people, and as Sonzele is a part of Jirapa, it serves the people of Jirapa. He said, the bank donates a portion of its profits back to the community, and this particular donation exemplifies the bank’s social responsibility.

The Chief Executive Officer of Sonzele Rural Bank PLC also hinted that, next year 2024 the bank will be celebrating its forty (40) years in operation.

The ‘’Sonzele’’ Rural Bank was incorporated in 1980 and granted the licence to operate the Business of Banking by the Bank of Ghana on the 24/11/1983, in Jirapa in the then Jirapa/Lambusie District of the Upper West Region. The Bank has been established to offer financial intermediation to the people within its catchment area through effective fund mobilization, fund management and the provision of sound credit.

On behalf of the Jirapa Municipal Assembly, Mr. Joseph Kambunaba, the Jirapa Municipal Director of Agriculture, accepted the motorbike from the ‘Sonzele’ Rural Bank PLC board of directors and management. He also pledged that his outfit would encourage more farmers to open accounts at the bank in order to increase profits.


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